streda 13. marca 2013

Illustrated recipes n.1 - with strawberries

I have for you recipes illustrated by artists from around the world.
this time all with strawberries ♥
-french toast
- strawberries in chocolate
- pie
- crepes
enjoy them and let mi know if you like it and if you want more ! :)
if you try to cook any of them please let me know how tasty it was ^^


♥ Mám pre vás recepty ilustrované umelcami z celého sveta.
tentoraz všetky s jahodkami ♥
- toasty
- jahody v čokoláde
- koláč
- palacinky
užite si ich a dajte mi vedieť ak sa vám budú páčiť a ak chcete ďalšie :) !
aaa ak ich budete niekto skúšať robiť tak mi dajte vedieť akoto dopadlo a či chutili ^^
má to malú chybičku :/ sú iba v angličtine :(

by Kelley Kinder - Ohio

by Liz Allen - Savannah,GA

by Kiah Gardner - Portland

by Hannah Rosengren - USA

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