štvrtok 14. marca 2013

ENGLISH : my Tip - BB cream

BB cream, also known as Blemish BalmBlemish Base or Beblesh Balm
Do you want have perfect skin fast ? You should try new HIT ! You will love it :) What is it actually ? Basically it´s cream and make-up in one. 
Brand tips  : Estée Lauder ,Dr.Brandt ,Garnier ,Christian Dior, MAC, Clinique ,L'Oreal
BB is a cosmetic item sold mainly in East and Southeast Asia, although larger beauty brands are increasingly introducing BB creams to Western markets as well. Originally formulated in Germany by dermatologist Dr. Christine Schrammek in the 1950s, the cream was initially used to protect skin after laser procedures and surgery, while also providing light coverage.
 BB cream has been named “the secret of Korean actresses” and has been heavily endorsed by Korean celebrities,which gained it large exposure in these Asian markets.
I´m using  L'Oreal  BB Cream and i really LIKE IT !! :)
you can write me if you have one and if it´s good ;)

2 komentáre:

  1. Osobne sa mi osvedčil BB cream od Goshu :) aj keď po ňom bola pleť taká jednoliata, chcelo to jemné líčka... väčšinou mi však make-up nie je treba, tak používam výživné sérum ktoré úžasne hydratuje pleť, od Lancômu :) ..a k predchádzajúcim článkom, milujem legíny z Calzedonie.. vždy zaujímavé, vždy pohodlné :)

  2. hej ? ten som veru ešte neskúšala :)a aké výživové sérum máš z Lancômu ? .. tak tak aj ja ich mám veľmi rada a sú aj dosť kvalitné žiadne sa mi zatiaľ nepodarilo roztrhnúť :D
